Artist & Designer at Heart
It’s my nature; I'll always be an artist and a designer at heart. It's been my guiding light since grade school (the art was very BAD back then 😂). I'm always doodling and thinking on how something can be communicated more aesthetically. Even though my career has taken me down the route of production management, building teams, and UX philosophies and practices, I have a passion for art and design. Below are some samples of my past Inktober work, commissions, and freelance projects.

This was my first year getting back into traditional drawing and participating in Inktober. It was a rough start, but I'm glad I did it. Here are a few of the drawings I did in the stretch of time. I felt refreshed creatively after the 31 days.

In year two, I wrangled my entire art team at Scientific Games to participate. I could tell I was more comfortable drawing than the year before. It was great to start experimenting with new pens and markers.

In year three, Inktober becomes less of an option and more of a compulsion—we all wanted to stay at our peak creativity. We rallied other divisions of the company to join our creative journey.

My last year doing the challenge was one of my best years. I had procured all the right tools and my drawing skills were feeling sharp. Going back to the roots of how you start in the industry can be very reflective and rewarding.

Back in 2011, I had a chance to work on an original comic book concept that was used in an short film called Galaxy Comics : The Musical. I had a great time working with the team to get this created and in the film. This was one of my favorite independent projects to date.